World AIDS Day is recognized around the world. The World Health Organization proposed the first World AIDS Day in 1988. Since 1995 a Presidential proclamation has been issued on this day. Other countries followed.

Flag of Romania
Romania celebrates Unification Day. In 1918 Romania and Transylvania formed one country. This southeastern European country, bordering the Black Sea, is slightly larger than Utah. Almost 22 million people live in Romania, and Bucharest is the capital. Agricultural products include grains and sugar beets. Romania exports natural gas and metals. Children could learn more at: Romania.

Flag of Central African Republic
Central African Republic celebrates Republic Day. It is a landlocked country a bit smaller than the state of Texas. Over five million people live in the Central African Republic. Bangui is the capital. Natural resources include hydropower, gold, diamonds, and petroleum. Older children could learn more at: Central African Republic.

District of Columbia Flag
Washington, DC, became the capital of the United States in 1800. Parts of Virginia and Maryland were combined to make the new capital. Charles L’Enfant created the architectural plan for the city. The federal government is the largest employer, and printing is the biggest industry. Over seventeen million tourists visit the nation’s capital every year. Children could locate some of the many important buildings on a map of Washington, DC. They could learn more at: Washington, DC.
Scrabble was copyrighted by James Brunot in 1948. Alfred Butts created the game, originally called Lexico, in 1931. Butts based the amount of letters by analyzing letter frequencies on the first pages of The New York Times and other print sources. Butts sold Scrabble to Brunot in 1948 in exchange for a royalty on every unit sold. Brunot and his family struggled for a while trying to make Scrabble profitable. Then it became so profitable they could not meet demand. Today Hasbro has the United States and Canada rights, and Mattel sells the game in all other countries. It is sold in 121 countries and in 30 languages. Children could learn more at: Scrabble.
Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, because she did not give up her seat in a municipal bus. The African American’s actions led to a boycott of the Montgomery bus system. Many experts believe this event triggered the civil rights movement. Children could relate the Montgomery boycott to the boycotts led by Gandhi in India. Children could also read Rosa Parks: My Story by Rosa Parks and Jim Haskins. They could also visit the Library of Congress site at: Rosa Parks.

Antarctic Research Facility
Antarctic Treaty was signed by twelve nations in 1959. The original twelve countries are: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Soviet Union, South Africa, United Kingdom, and United States. Today 50 countries recognize the treaty. The continent will be kept as a scientific preserve, and no nation can colonize it. Children can learn about the Antarctic Treaty at: Antarctic Treaty. They can view great pictures of Antarctic animals at: Antarctic Animals.
All-Female referee crew officiated for the first time in a men’s FIFA World Cup 2022 Game. Stéphanie Frappert of France was the center referee. Her assistants were Neuza Back of Brazil and Karen Diaz of Mexico. Germany beat Costa Rica in the second round game in Qatar.
Jan Brett (born Norwell, Massachusetts, 1949) has written and illustrated at least 50 books. Her works include Hedgie’s Surprise and The Mitten. Children can visit her amazing website, filled with activities and coloring sheets, at: Jan Brett.
Mary Martin (born Weatherford, Texas, 1913; died Rancho Mirage, California, November 3, 1990) was a stage and television star. She was known for her roles in Peter Pan and South Pacific. Peter Pan includes the Lost Boys. Children could draw house plans for the Lost Boys’ residence.

Flag of United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates was formed in 1971 when seven sheikdoms united and formed one country that gained its independence from the United Kingdom. According to the CIA World Factbook, the country’s area is slightly smaller than the area of the state of Maine. About five million people live in this desert country. Abu Dhabi is the capital, and the UAE is known for its petroleum reserves. Older children could learn more at: UAE.