2025-04 April 2025
April is the fourth month of the year. Ancient Romans called the month Aprilis. This Roman name may have come from a word meaning “to open,” a reference to plants and flowers opening in spring. Some people believe the month was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. April’s special flowers are the daisy and the sweet pea. The birthstone is the diamond.
Month-Long Celebrations
Keep America Beautiful Month reminds Americans to take responsibility for America’s environment. Children can visit a website at: http://www.kab.org.
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month not only focuses on the roles of mathematics and statistics in education and society, but it also helps people know about changes in mathematics. Children can visit a website at: https://ww2.amstat.org/mathstatmonth/.
Special Weeks
National Library Week helps make Americans aware of all the services available to the public in the libraries. This year the week is April 6 to 12, and the theme is Drawn to the Library! Children can visit a website at: Library Week.
Special Days
Passover begins at sunset on April 12 and ends at sunset on April 20. Easter is April 20.
Earth Day is April 22. This year’s theme is Our Power, Our Planet.
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is the fourth Thursday in April. This year that date is April 24.