2025-11 November 2025



November brings changes to weather. In the northern hemisphere, days become noticeably shorter and nights become noticeably longer. Colder, crisper weather has arrived, but the many holidays and events keep children busy.

November is now the eleventh month of the year. Before Julius Caesar, however, it was the ninth month. It obtained its name from the Latin novem, meaning “nine.” Then Julius Caesar changed the calendar and made November the eleventh month. The numbers of days in November varied from twenty-nine to thirty-one until Augustus established the number of days at thirty. The chrysanthemum is November’s flower. Topaz is the birthstone.

Month-Long Celebrations
Child Safety Month reminds adults to take good care of the children.
Aviation History Month celebrates the experiments conducted by Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier in November of 1782. The brothers were intrigued with the writings of Joseph Priestly. He had written about the relationships of various gases and temperature. They tried various types of bags with hot air and ultimately developed the hot air balloon.
Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month reminds us of the nation’s favorite sandwich. Children can visit a website at: Peanut Butter Lovers.


Geography Awareness Week

Special Weeks
Geography Awareness Week, beginning on November 18 and ending on November 22, stresses the importance of local and global geography. It is sponsored by the Geography Education Program of the National Geographic Society. Children can visit its website at: Geography Awareness.
American Education Week is the first full week before the fourth Thursday in November. This year American Education Week begins on November 17 and ends on November 22. Children can visit a website at: http://www.nea.org.


Vietnam Women’s Memorial
(Veterans’ Day Observance)

Special Days
All Saints’ Day is November 1.
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 am on November 2.
Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. This year Election Day is November 4.
Veterans Day is November 11.
National Educational Support Professionals Day, November 19, is the Wednesday of American Education Week. The day honors all school support employees. Children can visit a website at: http://www.nea.org.
Great American Smokeout hopes to persuade smokers to quit. It is always the third Thursday in November. This year the Great American Smokeout is November 2o. Children can visit a website at: http://www.cancer.org.
Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November. This year Thanksgiving is November 27.