2025-02 February 2025

February is the second month and the shortest month. Around 700 BC, it was the last month of the year, and it had thirty days. It derives its name from the Latin word februare, or purifying. The people at that time purified themselves to be ready for the new year. Julius Caesar, around 46 BC, decided the year should begin with January. This decision made February the second month. He also took one day away from February and gave it to July, the month honoring him. Later Augustus Caesar took another day from February and added it to the month celebrating him, August. The amethyst is February’s birthstone. Primroses seem to be February’s flowers.

My Friend’s Bird Feeders
Month-Long Activities
American Heart Month is celebrated through a Presidential Proclamation and by the American Heart Association.
Black History Month began in 1926 when Dr. Carter G. Woodson saw a need to remember and honor African Americans.
National Cherry Month emphasizes the sweet fruit.
National Children’s Dental Health Month emphasizes the importance of dental care.
National Wild Bird Feeding Month reminds us that February, close to the end of winter, provides little food for wild birds. Children are encouraged to put out food and water for the birds. Responsible Pet Owners Month pinpoints issues of raising good pets, including nutrition and veterinary care.
Special Weeks
Random Acts of Kindness Week counteracts violence in today’s society. It stresses simple, unplanned acts of compassion. This year the week starts on February 9, and it ends on February 15. Children can visit a website at: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/
Special Days
Groundhog Day is February 2. Valentine’s Day is February 14. Presidents’ Day is the third Monday in February. This year Presidents’ Day is February 17.