Apr 042025
Truman and Diplomats Signing NATO Treaty

Truman and Diplomats Signing NATO Treaty

North American Treaty was signed in 1949. Twelve nations formed the original North American Treaty Organization: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. Greece and Turkey became members in 1951, and West Germany joined in 1954. Spain joined in 1982. Czechia, Hungary, and Poland became members in 1999. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia joined in 2004. Albania and Croatia were admitted in 2009. Montenegro became a member in 2017, and North Macedonia joined in 2020. On this day in 2023 Finland became a member. Today NATO has 31 members. The main purpose of NATO is protection; an attack against one member is an attack against all members. Idea: Children could locate these countries on a world map and decide whether all countries benefit equally from this treaty. Children can learn more at: NATO.

May 082025


National Iris Day began in Belgium in 1945 to symbolize the Allies’ victory, V-E Day, over the Nazis. The holiday migrated around the world, including the United States. This perennial plant tends to bloom in late spring. Over 300 species exist, and the plants grow from rhizomes buried below the soil surface. The word iris is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning rainbow. Idea: This project takes a couple of years. Children could plant a small number of iris rhizomes. Then the next year they can count the number of plants that appear. Then the next year they can count the number of plants that appear.

Jul 012025

Burundi and the Republic of Rwanda both celebrate their Independence Days. Belgium gave up control of both countries in 1962.

Flag of Burundi

Burundi, according to the CIA World Factbook, is about the size of Maryland. This landlocked country in central Africa is covered by mountains with an eastern plateau. It borders Lake Tanganyika. The tropical climate means that coffee and tea can be exported. Almost eleven million people live in Burundi, and Bujumbura is the capital. Children can learn more at: Burundi.

Republic of Rwanda is also about the size of Maryland and is also landlocked. The climate is temperate, and geography is mostly grassy uplands. Subsistence agriculture and mining are the major occupations for the twelve million inhabitants. Kigali is the capital. Children can learn more at: Rwanda.

Jul 212025

Flag of Belgium

Belgium celebrates National Day. King Leopold ascended to the throne in 1821. Brussels is the capital of this country, located in northwestern Europe. Belgium is about the size of the state of Maryland. Natural resources include silica sand and construction materials. Over ten million people live in Belgium, and Dutch, French, and German are official languages. Children could learn more at: Belgium.

Dec 012025

Antarctic Research Facility

Antarctic Treaty was signed by twelve nations in 1959. The original twelve countries are: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Soviet Union, South Africa, United Kingdom, and United States. Today 50 countries recognize the treaty. The continent will be kept as a scientific preserve, and no nation can colonize it. Children can learn about the Antarctic Treaty at: Antarctic Treaty. They can view great pictures of Antarctic animals at: Antarctic Animals.

Dec 242025

War of 1812 ended in 1814 when a peace treaty, the Treaty of Ghent, was signed in Ghent, Belgium. Representatives from the United States and Great Britain started negotiations in August and completed the details December 24th. The Senate ratified the treaty on February 16, 1815. Children can view a photograph of the original document and the detailed transcript of the treaty at: Treaty of Ghent.