Jan 252025

Figure Skating at First Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics were held for the first time in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Approximately 258 athletes from sixteen nations competed in nine events. The United States sent 24 athletes and came home with four medals. Norway and Finland by far brought home the most medals. The events concluded on February 4, 1924. Children could hold their own winter events – sledding, snowball throwing at targets, biggest snowman competition.


Feb 102025
George Washington in British Uniform

George Washington in British Uniform

French and Indian War officially ended in 1763. The French and the British signed the Treaty of Paris. The war meant that the British greatly expanded their territory in North America. However, the war was a tremendous financial burden to Great Britain. That financial burden was passed on to the American colonists in the form of various taxes. The French and Indian War eventually led to the Revolutionary War. Did you know George Washington was an officer on the British side? Children could read Struggle for a Continent: The French and Indian Wars 1689-1763 by Betsy Maestro and Giulio Maestro.

Mar 202025

Flag of Tunisia

Tunisia celebrates Independence Day. France gave up control of Tunisia in 1956. Slightly smaller than the state of Wisconsin, Tunisia is located on the northern coast of Africa. Approximately 10.7 million people live in Tunisia. In the north, this country has a temperate climate with rainy winter. In the south, most of the country is in a desert. Tunis is the capital. One source of income for the country is petroleum. Older children can learn more at: Tunisia.

Apr 042025

Flag of Senegal

Senegal celebrates Independence Day. France gave up custody of the country in 1960. According to the CIA World Factbook, Senegal is a bit smaller than the state of South Dakota. Located in western Africa, it borders the Atlantic Ocean. Plains cover most of the country, but some jungle grows in the southwestern portions. About thirteen million people live in the country. Dakar is the capital. Older children can learn more at: Senegal.

Apr 042025
Truman and Diplomats Signing NATO Treaty

Truman and Diplomats Signing NATO Treaty

North American Treaty was signed in 1949. Twelve nations formed the original North American Treaty Organization: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. Greece and Turkey became members in 1951, and West Germany joined in 1954. Spain joined in 1982. Czechia, Hungary, and Poland became members in 1999. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia joined in 2004. Albania and Croatia were admitted in 2009. Montenegro became a member in 2017, and North Macedonia joined in 2020. On this day in 2023 Finland became a member. Today NATO has 31 members. The main purpose of NATO is protection; an attack against one member is an attack against all members. Idea: Children could locate these countries on a world map and decide whether all countries benefit equally from this treaty. Children can learn more at: NATO.

Apr 092025

Mississippi River Basin

Sieur de La Salle, a French explorer, found the Mississippi River in 1682 and claimed it and the waters draining into it for France. The Mississippi River, 2,348 miles long, is the longest river in the United States. It ranges in depth from nine feet to 100 feet, and its drainage basin includes over one million square miles. Idea: Trace a map of the United States. Color the states whose rivers empty into the Mississippi. Add tributaries, such as the Missouri, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers.

Apr 162025
Harriet Quimby

Harriet Quimby

Harriet Quimby in 1912 became the first woman to fly solo over the English Channel. She flew from Dover, England, to Harclat, France. She was welcomed as a hero in France, Great Britain, and the United States. Children could read more at: Harriet Quimby.

Apr 172025

Flag of Syria

Syria celebrates Independence Day. Liberated from France in 1946, this Middle Eastern country is about the size of North Dakota. Farmers grow cotton and grains on its arable land. Mountains and deserts form a good portion of its geography. About 22.5 million people live in Syria, and its capital is Damascus. Children can learn more at: Syria.