May 282025

Flag of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan celebrates the 1918 founding of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the CIA World Factbook, Azerbaijan is a bit smaller than the state of Maine. This landlocked country is composed of semiarid steppes. Almost 10 million people live in the country, and oil and natural gas provide a fairly solid economy. Baku is the capital. Children can learn more at: Azerbaijan.

May 282025

A Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse ended a battle in 585 BC. The Medes were battling the Lydians in the Battle of Halys in what is now Turkey.  The two sides decided the eclipse was a sign from the gods that battle had to stop. A truce was hastily arranged, and the daughter of the king of Lydia married the son of the king of Medea. Children could learn more about solar eclipses at: Solar Eclipse.