May 242024

Flag of Eritrea

Eritrea celebrates Independence Day. It broke away from Ethiopia in 1993. The African country, bordering the Red Sea, was once under Italian and then British control. According to the CIA World Factbook, Eritrea is a bit smaller than Pennsylvania. About 6.3 million people live in the country, and about 80 percent of them are subsistence farmers. Deserts dominate the land along the Red Sea, but the central highlands are more temperate. Asmara is the capital. Children can learn more at: Eritrea.

May 242024

First telegraph message was sent by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1844. The message, “What hath God wrought?” was sent from Washington, DC, to Baltimore, Maryland. Idea: Children could explore a GREAT website and learn Morse Code at: Translate. They could send messages to one another in Morse code. They could learn more at: First Telegram.

May 242024

Carpenter is the far right person in the first row

Scott Carpenter was launched into space in 1962. The fourth American to travel in space, he circled the earth three times. Aboard Aurora 7, he conducted five experiments in the five-hour voyage. He was the first astronaut to eat solid food in space. Children could learn more, including his aquanaut experiences, at: Scott Carpenter.

May 242024

Diane deGroat (born Newton, New Jersey, 1947) has illustrated and/or written over 130 books for children. Her books include Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire and Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books. Children can visit her website at: Diane deGroat.

Emanuel Leutze (born Wurttenberg, Germany, 1816; died Washington, DC, July 18, 1868) came to America when he was nine years old. He started to paint at about age fifteen. Even though most people do not recognize his name, he painted some very famous pictures. They include Washington Crossing the Delaware and Columbus Before the Queen. Children can see some of his works at: Emanuel Leutze.

Ynes Mexia (born Washington, DC, 1870; died Berkeley, California, July 12, 1938) was a botanist who collected rare species of plants from South America and Mexico. She often traveled to remote and dangerous locations to find plants that had specific purposes. Children could learn more by reading Ynes Mexia: Botanist and Adventurer by Durlynn Anema.

Frank Oz (born Hereford, England, 1944) is a puppeteer. His characters include Miss Piggy and Cookie Monster.