May 182024

Crew before the Mission

Apollo 10 was launched in 1969 and carried astronauts Thomas Stafford, John W. Young, and Eugene Cernan. The three traveled toward the moon and brought Snoopy, the lunar module, within nine miles of the moon. They circled the moon over thirty times and came back to earth on May 26, 1969. Children can learn more at: Apollo 10.

May 182024

Gertrude Belle Elion became the first woman in 1991 to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 1988 she was one of two people to earn the Nobel Prize in medicine for her work finding anti-leukemia drugs. She received 45 patents before she died in 1999. Children can learn more at: Gertrude Belle Elion.

May 182024

Debbie Dadey (born Morganfield, Kentucky, 1959) has written or co-written at least 160 books for children. Her books include The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids series and Slime Wars. Children can visit her website at: Debbie Dady.

Margot Fonteyn (born Margaret Hookman in Reigate, Surrey, England, 1919; died Panama City, Panama, February 21, 1991) was a ballerina for 45 years. She often performed with Rudolph Nureyev.

Lillian Hoban (born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1924; died New York, New York, July 17, 1998) was an author and illustrator, some of which were in collaboration with her husband Russell Hoban. One source states she published at least 326 books in eleven different languages. Her books include the Arthur series and Here Come the Raccoons! Children can visit a website devoted to her at: Lillian Hoban.

Irene Hunt (born Pontiac, Illinois, 1907; died Savoy, Illinois, May 18, 2001) wrote books for children. Her book Across Five Aprils received a 1965 Newbery Honor Award, and Up a Road Slowly earned the 1967 Newbery Medal. Children can learn more at: Irene Hunt.

Gloria D. Miklowitz (born New York, New York, 1927; died Pasadena, California, January 20, 2015) wrote at least 47 books for young adults. Her books include Camouflage and Secrets in the House of Delgado.

Pope Saint John Paul II (born Karol Wojtyla in Wadowice, Poland, 1920; died Vatican, April 2, 2005) was the 264th leader of the Catholic Church. He was elected in 1978, and he was the first Polish Pope. He was canonized on April 27, 2014.