Jan 302025
Lone Ranger

Lone Ranger and Silver

Lone Ranger was broadcast over radio for the first time in 1933. About 2,956 radio episodes aired, with the last original episode occurring on September 3, 1954. The television show lasted from 1949 to 1957. At least six movies were made, and nineteen novels were written. Several animated series and comic books followed. Idea: The theme music for the Lone Ranger is a famous piece of classical music, the finale of The William Tell Overture by Gioachino Rossini. Children could listen to the music and find out more about its composer. Older children could read more at: Lone Ranger.

Feb 062025

amendmentAmendment Twenty to the Constitution was adopted in 1933. It moved the inauguration day of the President to January 20th at noon. It also changed the first day of a Congressional session to January 3rd. Prior to 1933 the President was inaugurated on March 4th. During colonial times, a period of four months between election and inauguration was reasonable due to travel time and communication limitations. However, as travel and technology improved, four months became much too long to have a lame duck President. Therefore, the inauguration date was moved up to January 20th. Children can read the actual amendment at: Amendment Twenty.

Feb 232025

Flag of Japan

Japan celebrates a national holiday, the birthday of Emperor Naruhito. The country is composed of a series of mountainous islands. The total area is about the area of California. About 127 million people live in Japan, and Tokyo is the capital. Emperor Naruhito was born in 1960. Children can learn more at: Japan.

Mar 042025
Frances Perkins

Frances Perkins

Frances Perkins became the first female member of a Presidential cabinet in 1933. President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed her to be Secretary of Labor. She carried out many aspects of the New  Deal, including the Civilian Conservation Corps, major improvements to social security, and laws regarding child labor. She served until June 30, 1945. Children could learn more at: Frances Perkins.

Mar 122025
Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat

“Fireside Chats” were held for the first time by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. These radio broadcasts from the White House were his way of communicating his concerns and triumphs to America. He delivered 30 Fireside Chats over eleven years. He started a trend that other presidents followed. For example, President Obama delivered an online weekly address. Older children could see the list of Fireside Chats at: Fireside Chats. Then they can click on each one to see the text.

Jul 062025

Babe Ruth

Major League All-Star Game was held for the first time in 1933 in Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois. Players included Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Planned as a one-time event, the very successful All-Star game has been played every year since then, except 1945 (World War II) and 2020 (Covid-19 Pandemic). Children could learn more, including a list of every All-Star Game, at: Baseball.

Jul 222025
Wiley Post

Wiley Post

Wiley Post in 1933 became the first person to fly solo around the world. He traveled 15,596 miles, and his voyage in the Winnie Mae lasted 7 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes. About 50,000 people welcomed his return to the Floyd Bennett Field in New York. He received a ticker tape parade in New York City. Children could learn more at: Solo Flight.