Jan 142024

Ford Assembly Line

Henry Ford pushed the button to start the first assembly-line production in 1914. Idea: Ford’s first assembly line made cars. Children could form an assembly line to make ice cream sundaes.  One person could be in charge of dishes. Another could add one kind of ice cream.  Another could add a different kind of ice cream. A fourth student could top the ice cream with chocolate. Another could spritz on some whipped cream. Still another could add a cherry. Then everyone could eat!

Apr 202024

Site of the Colony after the Battle

Ludlow Massacre happened in 1914 in Ludlow, Colorado. Striking miners were attacked by National Guardsmen. Nineteen men, women, and children were either shot to death or died in a fire. Children could read The Ludlow Massacre of 1913-1914 by Rosemary Laughlin. They could also examine some great primary resources at: https://guides.library.csupueblo.edu/ludlow.

Aug 052024

First traffic light in the country was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1914. James Hoge received patent #1,251,666 for his “Municipal Traffic Control System.” Four pairs of red and green lights were wired to a manually controlled system. Children could view the patent at: Traffic Light.

Sep 012024
Martha the Last Passenger Pigeon

Martha the Last Passenger Pigeon

Martha, the last passenger pigeon, died in 1914. Named after Martha Washington, this bird lived for about 29 years in the Cincinnati Zoo. Some experts believe that between three and five billion passenger pigeons once lived in North America. However, destruction of its environment and large-scale hunting brought an end to the species. Older children could learn more at: Martha.