Apr 122025
Fort Sumter Today

Fort Sumter Today

Civil War began in 1861 when Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter near Charleston, South Carolina. Children can view images of Fort Sumter today and the fort during the Civil War at: http://www.nps.gov/fosu/index.htm. Children could color on a map the states that became the Confederacy, the states that remained in the Union, and the areas that were not states then. The Civil War ended April 9, 1865.

May 232025
South Carolina State Flag

South Carolina State Flag

South Carolina became the eighth state of the United States by ratifying the Constitution in 1788. It was named in honor of King Charles II. “Carolus” is Latin for Charles. Columbia is the state capital. South Carolina ranks 23rd in population and 40th in area. Its nickname is the Palmetto State, and its leading sources of income are tobacco, rice, and textiles. Children could visit an internet site at: South Carolina. They could also find out what a palmetto is.

Jun 132025

LafayetteMarquis de Lafayette landed near Charleston, South Carolina, in 1777 to help train patriot forces. Nineteen years old, he became a major-general in the American army without pay. He worked closely with American soldiers, and he also helped America’s cause among the French. After the American Revolution he returned to France to help his own country establish a democracy. Children can learn more from the Liberty’s Kids series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCFnDuouqxM.

Aug 312025
Charleston Earthquake

Charleston Earthquake

Charleston, South Carolina, experienced a major earthquake (measuring 7.6 on the Richter Scale) in 1886. The first major earthquake recorded in the eastern United States, it killed about one hundred people. The people of Charleston found unique ways to repair damage to their homes. Idea: Children could find out how and why earthquakes occur at the very interesting USGS site at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/.