May 152024

fruits vegetablesDepartment of Agriculture was created in 1862. The department has 29 different agencies and employs 100,000 people. Its goals are: “We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation’s natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands.” Children can visit the department’s nutrition website at: USDA for Kids.

May 152024

Ellen Church became the first woman flight attendant in 1930. The United Airlines employee flew from San Francisco, California, to Chicago, Illinois. The 20-hour flight stopped at numerous cities. Female flight attendants soon became more common, but they often had to help pilots, process luggage, and push airplanes into hangars. Children could read a GREAT article about Church and early Sky Girls at: Ellen Church.

May 152024

Nylon stockings were first sold in 1940. Previously women had to wear wool stockings (hot and itchy) or silk stockings (expensive and easy to run). Nylon stockings, however, were tough and long-lasting. Women bought 64 million pairs of stockings in 1940. When World War II was declared, nylon was diverted to military needs. Nylon stockings became very rare. After the war, women could buy nylons again.