Ireland celebrates its national holiday, Saint Patrick’s Day. Slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia, Ireland has 4.6 million people. Dublin is the capital. Children could learn more at: Ireland.

Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart started her solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932. She was the first woman to fly alone over the Atlantic. She departed from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland. Thirteen and a half hours later she landed in Londonderry, Ireland. Children could learn more at: Amelia Earhart.
James Smith, signer of the Declaration of Independence, died in 1806. He represented Pennsylvania. His exact date of birth is unknown, but he was born in Ireland around 1719. A fire in 1803 destroyed many documents by and about Smith, so little is known about him. Children could learn more at: James Smith.

Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan
Douglas (Wrong Way) Corrigan started a flight from New York in 1938. His destination was Los Angeles, California, but the next day he landed in Ireland. An instant hero, he frustrated aviation officials and returned to a ticker tape parade in New York City. Idea: Children could calculate how many miles off target he was.