Jun 302024
Charles Blondin

Charles Blondin

Charles Blondin walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope in 1859. Approximately 25,000 people watched the five-minute walk. On other occasions he walked across the falls on a tightrope pushing a wheelbarrow or on stilts. Idea: Children could draw a line on the playground. They could pretend the line was a tightrope. They could see if they could walk the line on stilts. Older children could read more at: Blondin.

Oct 162024
John Brown

John Brown

John Brown and his party raided the United States arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia in 1859. Their goal was to end slavery. He and 21 followers captured 60 citizens and the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry. However, the military quickly responded. Within days he was captured, and he was hanged on December 2, 1859. Children could learn more at: John Brown.

Nov 242024
Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859. The original title was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. When the sixth edition was printed, the title was shortened to The Origin of Species. The book included information from his time aboard the Beagle expedition in 1830 and other research and correspondence. Children can read The Origin of Species and other books written by Darwin at: Project Gutenberg.