May 292024

Andrew Clements (born Camden, New Jersey, 1949; died Baldwin, Maine, November 29, 2019) wrote at least 60 books for children. His books include Frindle and the Jake Drake series.

Sadako and the thousand paper cranes 00.jpgEleanor Coerr (born Canada, 1922; died New York, New York, November 22, 2010) wrote at least seventeen books for children. Her most popular book was probably Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.

Brock Cole (born Charlotte, Michigan, 1938) writes and illustrates books for children and young adults. His works include Larky Mavis and Fair Monaco. He also illustrates books written by other authors.

Patrick Henry (born Studley, Virginia, 1736; died near Brookneal, Virginia, June 6, 1799) was a patriot and a speaker. He opposed the Stamp Act, and he is famous for his “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech, given March 23, 1775. He continued to be active in politics after the Revolutionary War. Children could learn more at: Patrick Henry.

John Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (born Brookline, Massachusetts, 1917; assassinated in Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963) was the thirty-fifth president (1961-1963) of the United States. He graduated from Harvard and was wounded during World War II. Representing Massachusetts, he was a member of Congress for three terms before he was elected to the Senate. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his book Profiles in Courage. He defeated Richard Nixon in the presidential race by only 118,000 votes. He was committed to the space program, and he sponsored the Peace Corps. Children could learn more at: John Kennedy.

Willo Davis Roberts (born Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1928; died Granite Falls, Washington, November 19, 2004) wrote 99 books for children and young adults. She earned three Edgar Allan Poe Awards: Megan’s Island in 1988, The Absolutely True Story of My Visit to Yellowstone with the Terrible Rupes in 1994, and Twisted Summer in 1996.

T. H. White (born Bombay, India, 1906; died Athens, Greece, January 17, 1964) was a novelist. He is most known for his Arthurian works. He published The Sword in the Stone in 1938. The Queen of Air and Darkness was published in 1939, and The Ill-Made Knight was printed in 1940. The Candle in the Wind was published in 1958. Later he assembled all four of these books into The Once and Future King, published in 1958. Children can learn more at: T. H. White.

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