Jan 062024

Christmas is celebrated by members of the Armenian Church.

Epiphany is celebrated by some Christians. Some people believe the magi visited Jesus on this day. In some cultures gifts are exchanged, and special dinners take place.

La Befana visits children in Italy. The “Befana,” or witch, enters homes the previous night through the chimney. She leaves good children nice toys in their stockings. Bad children find coal in their stockings. The day is celebrated with parades and feasts. Children could read a classic, The Legend of Old Befana by Tomie dePaola.

Jan 062024
New Mexico State Flag

New Mexico State Flag

New Mexico became the forty-seventh state of the United States in 1912. Although New Mexico is one of the youngest states, it boasts some of the oldest American structures. Spaniards traveled on El Camino Real (the Royal Highway) in 1581; and Santa Fe, the capital, was built in 1609 or 1610. New Mexico ranks fifth in area but 36th in population. Children could visit an Internet site at: New Mexico. Idea: Children could create some math problems regarding how long ago New Mexico’s historical treasures were created.