Feb 272024

Polar Bear Sow and Cub

International Polar Bear Day is today. The day was established by the organization Polar Bears International to raise awareness of the problems polar bears are facing today. Global warming is reducing polar sea ice and thus reducing their habitat. The organization encourages people to lower their thermostats in winter and raise their thermostats in summer.

The polar bear is classified as a marine mammal because it spends so much time in ocean waters. However, it easily navigates on land and ice. It is carnivorous, preying primarily on seals. However, they will eat land mammals, birds, and eggs.

Polar Bears International chose February 27 as the day to celebrate the animals because mothers and babies are safe in their dens.

Feb 272024
Dominican Republic

Flag of Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic celebrates Independence Day. In 1844 the Haitians gave up control after dominating the country for 22 years. According to the CIA World Factbook, the Dominican Republic is about twice the size of New Hampshire. Located in the Caribbean Sea, both the Dominican Republic and Haiti occupy the island of Hispaniola. Over 10 million people live in the Dominican Republic, and Santo Domingo is the capital. The country exports sugar, tobacco, and coffee. The country also encourages tourism. Older children can learn more at: Dominican Republic.