Dec 082025

National Brownie Day is today! According to legend, the brownie was invented around 1893 to serve at the Columbian Exposition World Fair in Chicago, Illinois. The goal was to invent a dessert smaller and easier to eat than a slice of cake. The inventor achieved its glorious goal! So what can children do this day other than bake and eat brownies? They could do some math. How many variations of brownies could be made if choices include nuts or no nuts, frosting or no frosting, extra chocolate chips or no chocolate chips?


Dec 082025

Rosie the Riveter

Roosevelt Signing Declaration of War

Roosevelt Signing Declaration of War

United States declared war against Japan and thus entered World War II in 1941. The declaration of war was a reaction to the December 7th bombing of Pearl Harbor. Approximately 16 million people fought in the war or served as support for the military. Over 400,000 people died in action. Almost everyone who remained in America supported the war effort through rationing, buying war bonds, sending packages overseas, and collecting metals and other materials that could be used for military purposes. World War II ended in 1945. Children could understand more about the war through the book World War II Days: Discover the Past with Exciting Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes by David C. King and Cheryl Kirk Noll.

Dec 082025

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics expired in 1991. Many portions of the Soviet Union broke away and formed their own countries. These countries included Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Children could visit: USSR Map. There they could view the USSR map and today’s Russia and other countries map. They could also click on a country to learn more information.