Jun 082024

Tim Berners-Lee (born London, England, 1955) is a computer scientist and is credited with creating the World Wide Web. Children could view some of his TED talks at: Tim Berners-Lee.

Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush (born Rye, New York, 1925; died Houston, Texas, April 17, 2018) was America’s First Lady from January 20, 1989 to January 20, 1993. She was the wife of George Bush, forty-first president of the United States. Because her husband’s occupations revolved around either the oil business or politics, they moved frequently. She counted 29 moves. While she was First Lady, she strove to improve literacy in America. While she was the wife of the forty-first president, she was also the mother of the forty-third president. Children can visit a website at: Barbara Bush.

Francis Crick (born Northampton, England, 1916; died San Diego, California, July 28, 2004) discovered with James Watson the structure of DNA. He, along with Watson and Maurice Wilkins, received the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Children can learn more at: Francis Crick.

William Few (born near Baltimore, Maryland, 1748; died Beacon, New York, July 16, 1828) represented Georgia at the Constitutional Convention. He was a U.S. senator, and then he and his family moved to New York, where he was active in politics and the economy. Children could learn more at: William Few.

Ida Saxton McKinley

Ida Saxton McKinley (born Canton, Ohio, 1847; died Canton, Ohio, May 26, 1907) was America’s First Lady from March 4, 1897 to September 14, 1901. She was the wife of William McKinley, twenty-fifth president of the United States. Children can learn more at: Ida McKinley.

Carolyn Meyer (born Lewistown, Pennsylvania, 1935) has written at least 50 books for children and young adults. She writes historical fiction and biographies. Her books include the Royals series and The True Adventures of Charley Darwin. Children can visit her website at: Carolyn Meyer.

Judy Sierra (born Falls Church, Virginia, 1945) has written at least 50 books for children. Her books include Wild About Books and Tasty Baby Belly Buttons. Children can visit her website at: Judy Sierra.

Frank Lloyd Wright (born Richland Center, Wisconsin, 1867; died Phoenix, Arizona, April 9, 1959) was a revolutionary architect. He believed a house and its surroundings should blend together. One of his most famous designs was Fallingwater in western Pennsylvania where a house was designed around a small stream and waterfall. Children could learn more by reading Frank Lloyd Wright for Kids: His Life and Ideas, 21 Activities by Kathleen Thorne Thomsen.

Aug 062024

World Wide Web became available to the public in 1991. Sir Tim Berners-Lee developed a system of sharing files between computers. Within five years 40 million people were using the Web. Today almost 2.5 billion people use the Web. Berners-Lee could have become wealthy from his invention, but he wanted the Web to remain free and open. Children would find the following timeline interesting: Timeline.

Dec 252024

World Wide Web trial run was first successfully conducted in 1990. The Internet and the World Wide Web are not synonymous. The Internet is the hardware and systems, and the World Wide Web is the data that browsers allow us to exchange. Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 developed Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), a way for computers to talk to each other. Others developed browsers to make the process easier. The WorldWideWeb, originally its name, allowed the use of the Internet to increase exponentially. Berners-Lee, a British citizen, was knighted for his work in 2004.