Abigail Adams painting by Gilbert Stuart
Abigail Smith Adams (born Weymouth, Massachusetts, 1744; died Quincy, Massachusetts, October 28, 1818) was America’s First Lady from March 4, 1797 to March 4, 1801. She was the wife of John Adams, the second president of the United States. They moved into the partially completed White House just before Adams’s term ended. Children could visit a website at: Abigail Adams. Abigail was the wife of one president (John Adams) and the mother of another president (John Quincy Adams). However, she could not even vote. Children could list possible frustrations Abigail Adams felt about the White House and the new country.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (born Moscow, Russia, 1821; died St. Petersburg, Russia, February 9, 1881) was a writer. Two of his most famous works were Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov. Older children could read many of his works at: Project Gutenberg.
Peg Kehret (born La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1936) is a children’s author. Her book Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio describes her personal experiences as she battled polio. She has written at least 45 other books, including Saving Lilly and Runaway Twin. Children could visit her website at: Peg Kehret.
Anne Parrish (born Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1888; died Danbury, Connecticut, September 5, 1957) wrote at least 20 books for children. She earned three Newbery Honor Awards: in 1925 for The Dream Coach, in 1931 for Floating Island, and in 1951 for The Story of Appleby Capple. Children can learn more at: Anne Parrish.