Alvin Ailey (born Rogers, Texas, 1931; died New York, New York, December 1, 1989) was a choreographer and dancer. He created the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and he strove to increase the importance of African Americans in dance. Idea: Children could learn more about different types of dancing.
Lynne Cherry (born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1952) is a children’s author and illustrator. She has over 30 books to her credit. Her books include The Great Kapok Tree and A River Ran Wild. Children could visit her website at: Lynne Cherry.
Stephen Decatur (born Sinepuxent, Maryland, 1779; died Bladenburg, Maryland, March 22, 1820) was a naval officer. He is famous for saying, “Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.” He was killed in a duel with Commodore James Barron.
Kate Feiffer (born New York, New York, 1964) has written eleven books for children. Her father, Jules Feiffer, has illustrated at least four of the eleven books. Her books include Double Pink and Signed by Zelda. Children can check out her website at: Kate Feiffer.

Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike (born Lamberton, New Jersey, 1779; died near Toronto, Canada, April 27, 1813) was an explorer. In 1805 he investigated the source of the Mississippi River. In 1806 he became intrigued with a large mountain in Colorado. Thinking the mountain was close, he and his party started walking toward it. They were fooled by the mountain’s height and its true distance from them. That mountain was named Pike’s Peak. Later he signed up to fight in the War of 1812. He was killed in battle. Idea: Pike’s Peak hosts a very important road race every year. Create a “road race” of questions regarding mountains. Each time a student answers a question correctly, he/she speeds more up the mountain. Children could also visit: The website provides maps of his explorations and information about him.