Dec 142024
Alabama State Flag

Alabama Flag

Alabama became the twenty-second state of the United States in 1819. People lived in the Russell Cave area around 6000 B.C. The Temple Mound culture moved into the Moundville location somewhere between 1200 and 1500. The state is named after the Alabama tribe. Montgomery is the capital, and the state’s nicknames are the Yellowhammer State and the Heart of Dixie. The state ranks 30th in area and 24th in population. The pecan is the state’s official nut. Children could visit an Internet site at: Alabama. The mound builders have left us fascinating artifacts. Children could learn more at a great site:

Dec 142024

Amundsen and Others with the Norwegian Flag

Roald Amundsen found the South Pole in 1911. People had been trying to locate the South Pole for hundreds of years. He, four other adults, and over 50 sled dogs located the pole. All five men returned to base camp safely. Children could view an amazing timeline of the expedition at: Timeline. They could also learn more about his mysterious 1928 death.